Author: 陳妍茵
2019-09-01(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 李建明 |
English Name | Lee Kin Ming |
Phone Number | 96517041 |
Addresses | Room C, 24/F, Block 2, West Kowloon Disciplined Services Quarters, No. 20 Fuk Lee St., Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon |
Occupation | 香港警察 Hong Kong Police |
Lee Kin Ming is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Last Updated: 2019-12-16
Personal Particulars
鄧美清係香港警察嘅一份子。Tang Mei Ching is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Personal Particulars
黃炳雄係香港警察嘅一份子。Wong Ping Hung is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.
Personal Particulars
馬麗琴為香港警察的一份子。 她曾於 2019-09-22 02:15 在屯門海麗天橋破壞連儂牆,並將紙張隨處棄置。被發現後一邊離開一邊用粗言穢語指罵市民,又想取出伸縮警棍恫嚇,最後敗走。 詳細情況可見Facebook影片。